Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Freedom Writers and their readings

On campus, originally uploaded by nathalie pahud-briquet.

Here are a few questions for you to answer today, write your answers in your own blog.

1. Why did Ms Gruwell have the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust and meet Holocaust survivors?

2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples.

3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers?

4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””
How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mississippi burning

We watched Mississippi Burning this week, read the following information about the true story

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Freedom, originally uploaded by nathalie pahud-briquet.

Hi guys,
I hope you had a wonderful vacation. As you can see from the picture mine was not very sunny. Well anyway I hope I will find you happy and full of energy.
The book "Freedom Writers' diary" has arrived at Payot Chantepoulet
It is under my name, so try to stop by and get a copy as soon as possible.
See you on Tuesday

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Corridors, originally uploaded by nathalie pahud-briquet.

The class has now got penfriends at Laney college Oakland CA
We have received letters and have sent some.

You can see the Nicolas Bouvier English students at the following address:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Looking out from the classroom